What is the Gravitational Force?
There are many forces in the universe many jolts and gasps. We always push or pull something even if it's just the ground. But it turns out that in physics there are actually only four fundamental forces from which everything else comes strong force weak force electromagnetic force and gravitational force
Gravitational force is the force that attracts two objects with a mass We call gravitational force attractive because it always tries to unite the masses but never separates them. In fact, every object including you carries with it all the other objects in the entire universe. This is called Newton's law of universal gravity Of course you don't have a very large mass so don't pull these other objects too hard And distant objects don't pull at each other too hard But the power is there and we can calculate it
Universal equation of Gravity
This equation describes the force between any two objects in the universe.
Universal equation of gravity
F = GMm/r2
F gravity measured in Newtons N
G is the gravitational constant of the Universe and it is always the same number
M is the mass of an object in kilograms kg
m is the mass of another object in kilograms kg
r distance between objects measured in meters m
So if you know how massive two objects are and how far apart they are you can calculate the force between them
Some examples of the force of gravity include
The force that causes a ball that you throw into the air to lower again
The force that causes a car to slide downhill even when you are not pressing the accelerator
The force that causes a glass that you drop to fall to the ground
The force that keeps the Earth and all the planets aligned in the proper position in their orbits around the sun
The force that propels a child down a slide
The force that makes the moon go around the Earth
The force that keeps Jupiter's moons located around the planet
The force of the moon that causes the ocean tides
The force that makes your drink rest at the bottom of your glass instead of floating near the top of your glass
The force that causes an apple to fall down an apple tree
Some examples of the force of gravity include The force that keeps gases in the sun